webperf3.py - A web server to display iPerf3 results

This program consists of:

  • iPerf3 utilities, which run iPerf3 servers and interpret the results from JSON logs the servers create.

  • A webserver, which reports iPerf3 results.

  • A websocket and watcher, which looks for changes to the iPerf3 log files. A change causes the websocket to refresh the client, displaying any new results.

Possible extensions:

  • Provide a way to clear the table of results. This requires server-side code – simply write {} to the end of all log files, then refresh.

  • Kill all the iperf3 servers when this program exits.



These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Standard library

import asyncio
import csv
from io import StringIO
import json
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
from threading import Thread
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

Third-party imports

from bottle import response, route, run, static_file
from watchgod import awatch
import websockets
import websockets.server

Local application imports

from .ci_utils import is_win, xqt


The number of iPerf3 servers in use by this program.

num_servers = None

The first port (which iPerf3 defaults to) to use when starting servers.

starting_port = 5201

iPerf3 utilities

These functions interact with iPerf3.

Read iPerf3 logs

Read the last entry in a JSON-like log data from iPerf3, returning it as a Python data structure.

def read_iperf3_json_log(

log_path: the Path (or its equivalent string) of the log file to read.

    log_path: Union[Path, str],

Returns the last iPerf3 result; this is a huge struct of iPerf3 data.

) -> Dict[str, Any]:

    pseudo_json = Path(log_path).read_text()

Each run of iPerf3 appends a valid JSON string to the log file; however, this makes the overall file invalid JSON after the first append. The structure looks like this:

2    ...JSON data for execution i of iPerf3...
5    ...JSON data for execution i + 1 of iPerf3...

Since we only care about the last run, a simple backwards search for a single line containing an { with no leading spaces identifies the beginning of the last group of JSON data.

        index = pseudo_json.rindex("\n{") + 1
    except ValueError:

Special case: there’s only one block of JSON data; therefore, include the entire file when loading JSON data.

        index = 0

Errors produce confused JSON intermixed with error messages.

        json_str = pseudo_json[index:]
        return json.loads(json_str)
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
        return {}

Read all entries in a JSON-like log data from iPerf3, returning them as an array of Python data structures.

def read_all_iperf3_json_log(

See log_path.

    log_path: Union[Path, str],

Returns an array of iPerf3 results.

) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:

See comments in read_iperf3_json_log.

    pseudo_json = Path(log_path).read_text()

Split the data based the beginning/end of JSON data.

    json_arr: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
    start = 0
    while True:

Find the end of the current JSON block; if not found, go to the end of the string.

        end = pseudo_json.find("\n{", start) + 1 or len(pseudo_json)

Interpret this chunk as JSON.

        json_fragment = pseudo_json[start:end]
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:

Move to the next chunk, or exit after the last chunk.

        start = end
        if start == len(pseudo_json):

    return json_arr

Extract iPerf3 data rates (bps) from its log data

def extract_iperf3_performance(

The iPerf3 log data returned by read iPerf3 logs.

    iperf3_log_data: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Tuple[

The timestamp of this performance measurement, in seconds sine the epoch.


The average bits per second sent by the server.


The average bits per second received by the server.


The extra data provided by the client, if present; None otherwise.


Extract the relevant data from the JSON file.

    timestamp = None
    send_bps = None
    receive_bps = None
        timestamp = iperf3_log_data["start"]["timestamp"]["timesecs"]
        se = iperf3_log_data["end"]["streams"]
        receive_bps = se[0]["receiver"]["bits_per_second"]
        send_bps = se[1]["sender"]["bits_per_second"]
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
    return timestamp, send_bps, receive_bps, iperf3_log_data.get("extra_data")

Name iPerf3 log files

def iperf3_log_file_name(

A value between 0 and the num_servers passed to start iPerf3 servers.

    server_index: int,

A Path to an iPerf3 log file.

) -> Path:
    return (
        Path.home() / f"iperf3-logs/port-{server_index + starting_port}.json"
        if is_win
        else Path(f"/home/pi/iperf3-logs/port-{server_index + starting_port}.json")

Export all data

def read_all_iperf3_logs(

num_servers: The number of servers to read data from; must be a non-negative number.

    num_servers: int,
) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[int], Optional[float], Optional[float], Optional[str]]]:
    iperf3_data = []
    for server_index in range(num_servers):
        log_file_name = iperf3_log_file_name(server_index)
        log_data = read_all_iperf3_json_log(log_file_name)
        port = server_index + starting_port
        iperf3_data += [
            (port,) + extract_iperf3_performance(json_log) for json_log in log_data
    return iperf3_data

def export_csv(
    num_servers: int,

A string containing of the resulting CSV data.

) -> str:

Get the data to write; exclude blank entries. Indices in an element of data are:

  1. Port

  2. Timestamp

  3. Send bps

  4. Receive bps

  5. Name

    data = [el for el in read_all_iperf3_logs(num_servers) if el[1]]

Sort by the timestamp, which is element 1 of each tuple in the list.

    data.sort(key=lambda l: l[1])  # type: ignore

Convert the time to excel’s format, including moving from GMT to local time. Note that DATE(1970,1,1) == 25569.

    data = [(el[0], el[4], (el[1] + time.localtime(el[1]).tm_gmtoff) / 86400 + 25569, el[2], el[3]) for el in data]  # type: ignore

Write it out

    s = StringIO()
    writer = csv.writer(s)
        ["Port", "Name", "Timestamp", "Send rate (bps)", "Receive rate (bps)"]

    return s.getvalue()

Start iPerf3 servers

TODO: will all these subprocesses automatically be killed when this program exits? That’s what we want.

def start_iperf3_servers(

The number of servers to start; must be a non-negative number.

    num_servers: int,
) -> None:

    for server_index in range(num_servers):
        cmd = (
            f"iperf3 --server --json --port {server_index + starting_port} "
            f"--logfile {iperf3_log_file_name(server_index)}"
        xqt(f"start {cmd}" if is_win else f"{cmd} &")


Main page

This is the main web page which displays iPerf3 stats.

def home_page():
    return dedent(
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                <meta charset="utf-8">
                <title>iPerf3 performance measurements</title>

                <!-- Use the ``ReconnectingWebsocket`` to automatically reconnect a websocket when the network connection drops. -->
                <script src="/static/ReconnectingWebsocket.js?v=1"></script>
                <script src="/static/webperf3.js?v=1"></script>

                    table, th, td {
                        border: 1px solid white;
                        border-collapse: collapse;
                    tr {
                        background-color: #96D4D4;
                <h1>iPerf3 performance measurements</h1>
                <table id="perf-table"></table>
                    Status: <span id="is_connected">waiting</span>.
                    Last update: <span id="last-update">Unknown</span>.
                <br />
                    <button type="button" onclick="update_table();">Update now</button>
                    <button type="button" onclick="location.href='/csv'">Download all log data</button>

Create the table of performance results.

def create_table():

Look at logs to get current iPerf3 data.

    iperf3_data = [None] * num_servers
    for index in range(num_servers):
            iperf3_data[index] = extract_iperf3_performance(

If there’s no log file yet, add a blank entry.

        except FileNotFoundError:

    return json.dumps(iperf3_data)

CSV download

def download_csv():

See the bottle tutorial under “Changing the Default Encoding”.

    response.content_type = "text/csv"

See the Response object.

    response.set_header("content_disposition", "attachment; filename=iperf3_log.csv")
    return export_csv(num_servers)

Static files

Serve static files (JS needed by the main page). Copied from the bottle docs.

def server_static(filename):
    return static_file(filename, root=str(Path(__file__).parent))

Websocket and watcher

The watcher monitors the log directory, sending a message over a websocket to the client when the client needs to be updated.

class WebSocketWatcher:
    def __init__(

A Path to the directory containing logs.

        log_path: Path,
        self.log_path = log_path
        self.stop_event: Optional[asyncio.Event] = None
        self.update_event: Optional[asyncio.Event] = None
        self.thread = None
        self.loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None

    def start(self):
        self.thread = Thread(target=asyncio.run, args=(self.amain(),))

Shut down the websocket / watcher from another thread.

    def stop(self):

Websocket and watcher core

This handles an open websocket connection.