#!/bin/sh -e

install-prep.sh - Prepare for futher Pi installationΒΆ

Run this script using curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bjones1/NIST-UAS-3.2/main/install-prep.sh | bash -. Next, run either install.sh - Install files and set up the Pi for production mode or install.sh - Install files and set up the Pi for development mode to complete Pi setup.

Upgrade Linux.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

Install the iPerf3 webserver.

sudo apt install -y git python3-venv iperf3
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
git clone https://github.com/bjones1/NIST-UAS-3.2.git
cd NIST-UAS-3.2/webperf3

Note: for development, consider omitting --no-dev. However, this would also require installing a C compiler, since development dependencies include LXML, which lacks pre-compiled binaries for the Pi. Another alternative is to develop on a PC, where pre-compiled binaries are available.

sudo /home/pi/.local/bin/poetry update --no-dev